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CPD Module 2 – Your Practice

Level: Practitioner Development

By successfully completing this course, you will:

  • Be awarded the BSY Certificate of Completion

You can study this course from the comfort of your own home; in your own time and at your own pace; with helpful support and encouragement from our friendly tutors.

Course overview

In order to operate safely, effectively and profitably, you must devise a framework for your individual practice, which will highlight its needs and weaknesses and enable you to take control and develop your practice to its maximum potential. To the same end, every practice, large or small will benefit from a comprehensive information leaflet or booklet. This will be of great value to the client, as well as providing added protection and profitability for the practice.


  • Contents
    • Introduction
      • About CPD
    • Practice Framework Structure
      • Elements of the Framework
    • Practice Information Leaflet
      • Content
    • Question Paper
    • Tasks

Practical training

No practical training is required to complete this course.