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Whether you are currently studying one of our courses or thinking of doing so, we hope the following feedback and information gives you inspiration when deciding on your future study plans.
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Student feedback on our nutrition courses and more

The feedback we have received from BSY students could help others understand more about what it is like to study with us and may even inspire them to enrol with our college too. We hope that these student stories provide you with a useful insight into how our courses can help others.

Lucy Hill previously enrolled on the Spiritual Coaching course. If you would like to learn more about this course, please visit the Psychic Healing courses on this website. She decided to enrol on this course so that she can ‘expand on my life coaching business’. Lucy explained that she was most happy with ‘the fact that due to a number of occurrences I was not able to start the course for a year. However I was still able to, did not lose the money I had invested and have still experienced first rate service….Most pleased with your flexibility.’ Commenting on the courses that she has taken, Lucy said that ‘they have allowed me the opportunity to study whilst working and eventually set up my own business. So, they actually did change my life.’ Lucy also indicated that she would recommend BSY courses to a friend.

Helen Owen enrolled on the Practitioner level Advanced Aromatherapy course. Commenting on her reasons for enrolling on the course, Helen said that it was the ‘comprehensive course content, good reputable company and course at the level I want to study’. Helen has been most happy with the ‘prompt return of work and modules’ and the ‘support of staff when contacted with queries’. Overall she would rate the BSY course she has taken as ‘Excellent’.

Julie Robinson took the nutrition course ‘Nutritional Therapy’, amongst other subjects. If you would also like to enrol on this nutrition course, you can find more information in the complementary therapy section of the website. You can also contact our course advisors who can answer any questions you may have. Julie has been most happy with the ‘prompt marking and return of question papers with helpful and encouraging remarks’. Julie decided to enrol on the nutrition courses because ‘they are subjects I am interested in and would like to pursue as a career’. Julie highlighted that she would recommend BSY courses to a friend.

Colleen Weedon-Skinner has studied more than 19 BSY courses. One of her most recent courses was Project & Team Management. This course can be found within the General Interest section of the BSY website.

Colleen explained that she took this course as she runs a charity and it ‘has helped me a lot regards team management and gives me the confidence to set up projects within the charity I run.’ Colleen would rate the courses as being ‘Excellent value for money’. Colleen has been most happy with the ‘layout of course material and the knowledge has been very valuable to me’. When giving her thoughts on the BSY courses she has taken, Colleen said they have ‘helped me enormously with the work I do and I will continue with further development through BSY as the courses are of a very high standard’.

This insight comes from a small selection of those BSY students who have completed courses in their area of interest. People can enrol on nutrition courses, plus yoga courses, beauty courses and massage courses – all of which can be found within this website. Please click on the link for more information on our nutrition courses. Alternatively, please call our friendly course advisors on Freephone 0800 731 9271 or 01409 220 400.

Categories: BSY, Complementary Therapies