BSY news

Whether you are currently studying one of our courses or thinking of doing so, we hope the following feedback and information gives you inspiration when deciding on your future study plans.
You can read the latest comments on this page. Alternatively, if you would like to read information on specific topics, please click on the course categories below.

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Wonderful feedback about the BSY counselling courses

People study with BSY for a wide range of reasons.  Some may be interested in starting a new career or developing their existing career.  Others may be looking to improve their wellbeing or learn something new in a fascinating subject.  Whatever reason you may have for learning more about our subjects, it can be interesting to read feedback from those who have already joined our family of students.  They can help you learn more about what it is like to study the BSY counselling courses or one of our other subjects.

Linda Long enrolled on the Nutritional Therapist course.  She chose to take this subject as she ‘would like to start a career as a nutritional therapist’.  Linda decided to enrol with BSY as ‘the course was ideal for me and the customer service was excellent’.  Thinking about her nutritional therapist course, Linda has been most happy with ‘the prompt tutor service’.  If someone is thinking of studying with BSY, Linda would say to ‘do it.  Best thing I have ever done; very empowering.’  Linda agrees that ‘BSY courses are excellent value for money’.

Karen Horton decided to enrol on the Basic Counselling Skills course.  More information on this topic is available within the counselling courses section of the website.  Karen chose this subject because ‘in my position as a health trainer, I have one to one consultations with GP referrals, and often many clients will become upset or wish to talk about their life situation’.  Karen decided to enrol with BSY as ‘it fits into a busy working pattern and there are no time ties and limits or deadlines’.  She commented that ‘the turnaround time for marking work is excellent’.  Karen agreed that she would ‘recommend BSY to a friend’ and that ‘studying with BSY is enjoyable’.

Clare Lewell chose the Sports Injuries course from BSY.  Clare decided to learn more about this fascinating topic as ‘I am interested in sports injuries.  I am self-employed as a massage therapist and want to add it to my treatments.’  Previously, Clare studied the sports massage course.  She decided to study with BSY because ‘of the price; I like the way the course is put together, NCFE qualification’.  Clare agrees that ‘studying with BSY is convenient’ and that ‘the BSY course advisors are helpful’.

If you would like more information about studying with BSY, whether on a counselling course, one dedicated to sports and fitness or nutrition, or any of the hundreds of other ones available, please call our friendly course advisors on Freephone 0800 731 9271 or 01409 220 400.  You can also visit the counselling courses page of our website for more useful information.

Categories: BSY, Counselling & Stress Management, Sports & Fitness

The popularity of studying nutrition courses

Today, in this world of fast-food and the growing problem of obesity in the very young, we are becoming increasingly aware of the need for a healthy diet and regular exercise. There are a growing number of BSY students studying both fields for, either their own needs, or to help and advise others.

Hear a few of our students’ reasons and comments.Crystal Iglikowski is a health care worker studying the BSY Nutrition course who is dedicated to expanding her knowledge so that she can help others to see healthy eating in a new light, to help prevent illness and to educate our younger generation. Crystal reports that she found that her studies fitted excellently into her lifestyle as she works full-time. She finds her course to be good and at an affordable price. Crystal was due to get married in July and we send her and her new husband our congratulations.

Another student studying nutrition courses is Esther Marie Bird who wanted to learn more about our health and what we do to our bodies with unhealthy eating. She has studied both BSY Nutritional Therapy and Nutrition courses and wants to continue with BSY Eating Disorders Part One and Part Two together with Eating Disorders Family Therapy as she is now working within that field. Esther says that the tutors have ‘been amazing’ and staff on the phones are ‘all very nice’. Thank you for your kind words, Esther.

Charlotte Barber wanted to improve her knowledge in order to offer help and support, particularly in the area of Nutrition and Weight Consultancy. She says that BSY have proved to be a good choice because she has been able to study at home at her own pace, without worrying. She says that the support from the tutors has been great and that they are always happy to answer her questions. She wishes to follow her training with BSY’s Nutritional Therapy, Personal Fitness Training and Sports Psychology courses. Her advice to anyone thinking of studying with BSY is ‘Do it! The courses are well priced, offer great choice, offer freedom to study at home and in your own time and open up fantastic opportunities.’

Our  tutors and advisers are always happy to assist with advice and information on Freephone 0800 731 9271.

Studying nutrition courses is an ideal way of achieving better health, preventing illness or helping the body to maximise its healing potential at times of ill-health. We can then take that knowledge and experience into the field of therapy if we choose.  We invite you to browse our range of complementary therapy courses on our website.

Categories: BSY, Complementary Therapies

Would you like to learn more about our reflexology courses?

Studying a new subject can be an exciting opportunity to learn useful skills and develop an interest in a fascinating topic.  If you are thinking of studying a topic that interests you then you may be keen to learn more about it from those who have enrolled previously.  We therefore wanted to share with you some of the feedback we have received from some students who have taken our reflexology courses and life coaching courses.

Tracy Pickering enrolled on our reflexology course.  She chose to study this subject as ‘I am already qualified in beauty therapy and Hopi ear candling, and wanted to add reflexology to my list of qualifications, to be able to offer this to my clients’.  Tracy decided to study her course with BSY as ‘they are the UK’s No.1 complementary therapy home study college, and I can study from the comfort of my own home at my own pace’.  She has been most happy with the ‘content of my course and also the structure’.  Tracy agrees that she would ‘recommend BSY to a friend’ and that ‘BSY courses are excellent value for money’.

BSY can also help you learn more about other topics too, including Life Coaching/Life Skills.

Karen MacPhee chose to enrol on the NLP Life Skills Coaching course.  She took this as ‘it is a subject I’ve been interested in for a while.  I’m a stay-at-home mum at the moment and wanted to do something for me personally but that I could use when I return to work.  I’ve enjoyed using my brain cells again but fitting it around bringing up my son.’  Karen decided to enrol with BSY as ‘I liked that there was no time commitment, that it easily fits into my life.  I also liked so many of the courses offered by BSY and that it is a holistic training provider.  It seemed like good value for money as well.’  With this course, Karen has been most happy with ‘how well BSY studying fits into my life. The course material and how already it is starting to change my ways of thinking – in a positive way! I was over the moon with my first results and that has just motivated me even more.’  Thinking about her studies, Karen feels it may help her in the future to ‘identify some key goals in a few areas of my life, and the positive attitude and skills to achieve them’. The advice Karen would give to someone who may be thinking of studying with BSY is ‘just go for it!… it’s been worth it as it has given me another focus in life, increased my motivation, confidence, interest.’

Karen agrees that ‘the BSY course advisors are helpful’ and that ‘studying with BSY is convenient’.

If you have any questions about these or any of our other subjects, please call our helpful course advisors on Freephone 0800 731 9271 or 01409 220 400.  Alternatively, please click on the link to read more about our reflexology courses or life coaching courses.

Categories: BSY, Complementary Therapies, Life Coaching/Life Skills